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Avalon Bay tome 3 sur 3
EAN : 9781250863874
320 pages
St. Martin's Griffin (18/07/2023)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Elle Kennedy's next spicy and emotional romance in the blockbuster Avalon Bay series.

College student Cassie Soul hasn't spent an entire summer in Avalon Bay in years, not since her parents divorced and her mother spitefully whisked her away to Boston. Now that her grandmother is selling the boardwalk hotel that's been in their family for five decades, Cassie returns to the quaint beach town to spend time with family, ring in her twenty-first birthday... >Voir plus
Que lire après Avalon Bay, tome 3 : The Summer GirlVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Thanks to NetGalley for sending me this ARC. I give here my free opinion.
And I really liked it !

Cassie comes for her last summer at Avalon Bay. Indeed, her grand mother has decided to sell her famous hotel, the Beacon, and to move to Boston. Cassie, who has grown up in Avalon Bay, has left the city when her parents divorced, when she was ten. Since then, she has lived with her toxic and narcissist mother in Boston, seeing too rarely her dad and new family who remained in Avalon Bay.
She meets a cute Surfer-boy, Tate, at a party. She's just looking for a summer fling, and even if he's interested at the beginning, he prefers to remain friends, not to play with her feelings. But the attraction is too strong. And while their friendship is growing, their fondness is too. And perharps, they could become friends with benefits ? Only for summer ? Until the opening of the hotel, and a crushing revelation...

Once in a while, a little summer romance is my jam. And we have here a sweet friends to lovers that I enjoyed reading. And I haven't read the others Avalon Bay books, and this one can perfectly be read as a standalone. Once again, my heart has been torn form the characters, and I even drop a tear at the end !
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