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Jet City Comics (30/11/-1)

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Résumé :
A disgraced outcast samurai living in early seventeenth-century Manila, Kitazume is contemplating ritual suicide when a divine force (of a sort) intervenes: Luis, a rogue Jesuit priest and Kitazume’s longtime friend. At Luis’s insistence, the samurai agrees to help smuggle a Manchu princess to Mexico. But little does he know that he’s really been dragged into an epic struggle for power.

As they become embroiled in the deadly politics of New Spain, Kit... >Voir plus
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Videos de Neal Stephenson (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Neal Stephenson
Created by the world's leading paper engineer and art director, Gérard Lo Monaco, 'A Train Journey' is a beautifully layered, pop-up celebration of trains.
The book begins in 1829 with Robert Stephenson's ‘Rocket' locomotive, the most advanced of its day, which operated on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. The journey then hits the heights with Manhattan's elevated railroad: see the trains buzzing and alive among 1900 New York's distinctive high-rises! Skipping forward to the 1920s, marvel at what was the most powerful locomotive on the London and North Eastern Railway: the ‘Flying Scotsman', which provided a non-stop daily service from London to Edinburgh. Readers will then encounter the glamour of the 1930s and 40s on the celebrated Orient Express as it travels between Paris and Istanbul. Finally, readers are taken on a sprint to the present to see Japan's Shinkansen ‘Bullet' and China's CHR 400 high-speed intercity trains, travelling at an impressive 320 km/hr.
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La Saga Harry Potter (Difficile)

À qui appartient le sang dont les vêtements du Baron Sanglant sont tachés ?

Mimi Geignarde
La Dame Grise
Le Moine Gras

15 questions
251 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Harry Potter : Coffret, Tomes 1 à 7 de J. K. RowlingCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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