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EAN : 9783125781450
112 pages
Klett Ernst /Schulbuch (30/03/1993)
4.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
he 17-year-old Link, born 20 March 1977 in Bradford, Yorkshire, is saddened when 1991 at age 14 his father abandons his family for a receptionist. Two years later his mother, who was always a housewife, got a new partner, whom Link nicknamed "Old Vince." Vince is in his 50s and is in the midst of a mid-life crisis, and was incredibly harsh. Link and his sister, Carole did not get along with him, and his mother was too shy to pacify the situation. Carole moved out af... >Voir plus
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Le jeu des titres

Quel animal est élégant pour Muriel Barbery ?

Le chat
Le hérisson
La taupe

12 questions
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