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EAN : 9780765314659
345 pages
Tor Books (01/08/2006)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Janice Shriek, ex-society figure, narrates this tale with flamboyant intensity and under increasingly urgent conditions. We follow the adventures of her brother Duncan, an historian obsessed with a doomed love affair, and learn of a secret that may kill or transform him. We witness a war between rival publishing houses that will change Ambergris forever. And we’re introduced to the gray caps, a marginalized people armed with advanced fungal technologies, who’ve been... >Voir plus
Que lire après Shriek: an AfterwordVoir plus
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Everyone always tells you that you become more alone as you get older. People write about it in books. They shout it out on street corners. They mumble it in their sleep. But it’s always a shock when it happens to you.
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