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The Enchanted Forest Chronicles tome 4 sur 4
EAN : 9780544541481
277 pages
Clarion Books (15/09/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Always be polite to dragons!

That's what Daystar's mother taught him...and it's a very wise lesson--one that might just help him after his mom hands him a magic sword and kicks him out of the house. Especially because his house sits on the edge of the Enchanted Forest and his mother is Queen Cimorene.

But the tricky part is figuring out what he's supposed to do with the magic sword. Where is he supposed to go? And why does everyone he m... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, tome 4 : Talking to DragonsVoir plus

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Métro Quiz

🎬 Film français réalisé par François Truffaut sorti en 1980, avec Catherine Deneuve et Gérard Depardieu, c'est ...

Le premier métro
Le dernier métro
L'ultime métro

10 questions
127 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : métro , chanson , romans policiers et polars , cinema , romanCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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