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EAN : 978B004QPT1QO
Puffin Books (02/02/2006)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :

Philadelphia high school who doesn’t care about the prom. It’s pretty much the only good thing that happens there, and everyone plans to make the most of it—especially Ash’s best friend, Natalia, who’s the head of the committee and has prom stars in her eyes. Then the faculty advisor is busted for taking the prom money and Ash finds herself roped into putting together a gala dance. But she has plenty of help—from her large and loving (if exasperating!) famil... >Voir plus
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Videos de Laurie Halse Anderson (22) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Laurie Halse Anderson
Laurie Halse Anderson ""The Impossible Knife of Memory"
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Quiz Voir plus

°~Speak the quiz~°

Comment s'appelle l'auteur ?

Emilie Carrol
Emily Carroll
Emili Caroll
Emily Carrole

11 questions
6 lecteurs ont répondu
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