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EAN : 9781335148735
215 pages
Harlequin (21/07/2020)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
From discovering his secret heir
To claiming his Cinderella bride !

When King Kadir Al Marara finds out he has a four-year-old son, nothing can keep him away! He immediately boards his private jet for a surprise reunion with the boy’s unsuspecting mother, Caitlin.
Shocked, Caitlin realizes she’d misjudged Kadir. Now he’s offering to transform her ordinary life to one of opulence... as his queen ! As Caitlin struggles to resist the scorch... >Voir plus
Que lire après L'enfant d'un prince du désertVoir plus

Videos de Sharon Kendrick (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Sharon Kendrick
Are you looking for a billionaire hero to sweep you off your feet? Lisa London is here with her 10 favorite heroes from the new Jet-Set Billionaires miniseries from Harlequin Presents. Not only will these heroes really heat things up, but you'll find yourself on a globe trotting adventure as each romantic read takes you to a new, glamorous destination. Plus, this series features some of your favorite romance authors, including Dani Collins, Sharon Kendrick, Abby Green and more!
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Les Amants de la Littérature

Grâce à Shakespeare, ils sont certainement les plus célèbres, les plus appréciés et les plus ancrés dans les mémoires depuis des siècles...

Hercule Poirot & Miss Marple
Pyrame & Thisbé
Roméo & Juliette
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson

10 questions
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Thèmes : amants , amour , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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