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EAN : 9780060012823
592 pages
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Born of a noble Welsh family, he is violently torn from his home by Irish raiders at age sixteen and sold as a slave to a brutal wilderness king. Rescued by the king's druids from almost certain death, he learns the arts of healing and song, and the mystical ways of a secretive order whose teachings tantalize with hints at a deeper wisdom. Yet young Succat Morgannwg cannot rest until he sheds the strangling yoke of slavery and returns to his homeland across the sea.... >Voir plus
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Généalogie Arthurienne selon Stephen R. Lawhead

De naissance mystérieuse je suis recueilli par Elphin, seigneur de Caer Cam. Je deviens le Grand Barde de Bretagne qui aura la vision du Royaume de l'Eté, salut de l'Ile des Forts. Mon nom signifie Front Clair, je suis :


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