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EAN : 9781631495090
400 pages
Liveright Publishing Corporation (15/01/2019)
2/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In Cadillac Jack, Pulitzer prize winner Larry McMurtry creates à host of real, often eccentric characters in their peculiar American search for new frontiers ans wild aventures.
A rodeo cowboy turned antique dealer, Jack rambles in his vintage Cadillac between Texas flea markets ans Washington' s party circuit, womanizing all the way. Bouncing among a beautiful social-climber, a brash, very good ole boy with political pull, a pushy lady reporter and an un... >Voir plus
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I was very surprised, since in our previous lovemaking she had been energetic without being either aggressive or inventive. She went straight to the point and made it. After a bit she might recoup and make it again, but is was essentially the same point. Her lovemaking was like I imagined her tennis game would be: a matter of serve and volley. She was not into drop shots, topspin, or elaborate Baseline strategies. She went for the ace, and then went for another ace.
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Videos de Larry McMurtry (23) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Larry McMurtry
Coup de Coeur de Thomas (Librairie L'Amandier à Puteaux) pour Les Rues de Laredo de Larry McMurtry.
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Dead or Alive ?

Harlan Coben

Alive (vivant)
Dead (mort)

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