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EAN : 978B01B98R3MY
Cinco Puntos Press (September 01,2009) (30/11/-1)
4.33/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Zach is eighteen. He is bright and articulate. He's also an alcoholic and in rehab instead of high school, but he doesn't remember how he got there. He's not sure he wants to remember. Something bad must have happened. Something really, really bad. Remembering sucks and being alive - well, what's up with that?
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une très belle histoire sur un jeune homme alcoolique qui lutte contre ses démons. Sa relation avec son psychiatre et avec les autres résidents de l'hôpital où il est interné sont très touchantes et font tout le sel de ce roman très réussi.
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Citations et extraits (15) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
"Have you ever been in a summer storm in the desert, Zach ?"
"Yeah," I said.
"They just come up on you -the wind and the thunder and the lightning and the rain begins to pound. And you think that the world is going to end. It's this overwhelming apocalyptic moment. And then, just like that, it's over. And the world is calm again. And the air smell clean and new. And smelling it, you want to be alive again."
"Yeah, it's like that," I said.
"That's how I feel, Zach. Like the desert after a storm."
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Somewhere along the line, I fell in love with the idea of tragedy, the idea that I was destined to live a tragic life. I had this romantic idea about the life of a writer and what he was supposed to suffer. I was Rafael, the artist, the superior being who created beauty out of his own misery. Somehow, I made my own pain a kind of god. I worshipped that god with all that I was.
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I mean okay, let’s pretend we’re all going to get better. Where are we going to go after we all get better ? What are we going to do with all of our newfound healthy behaviors ? Back out into the world that screwed us up and screwed us over. This does not sound promising.
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For a moment, I thought of the word happy and it was a word that just, well, it felt like it was visiting me. I knew it wouldn't last for very long and I'd be sad again and then it would be worse because it's one thing to be sad and it's another thing to be sad once you've been happy. Being sad after you've been happy is the worst thing in the world.
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And I got to thinking that the whole thing really wasn't that funny, but we were laughing because there was all these feelings inside us and we didn't always know what to do with all the feelings that were like knots that needed to be untied, so sometimes we just, well, we laughed. That's how we untied the knots.
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Videos de Benjamin Alire Sáenz (8) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Benjamin Alire Saenz remercie ses lecteurs , l'auteur de Aristote et Dante découvrent les secrets de l?univers remercie ses lecteurs français qui lui ont permei de remporter le prix des Incorruptibles catégorie 3ème-Lycée
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Lecteurs (8) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Aristote et Dante découvrent les Secrets de l'Univers

Où est-ce que le père d'Aristote a t'il fait la guerre ?

En Allemagne
Au Vietnam
En Amérique du Sud
En Amérique du Nord

8 questions
12 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Aristote et Dante découvrent les secrets de l'univers de Benjamin Alire SáenzCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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