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EAN : 9780868195933
56 pages
Currency Press (01/01/1999)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Two worlds ruled by terror interact: Russia’s poet-hero Anna Akhmatova is under house arrest in Stalinist Leningrad, while her friends attempt to save her writings. In a futuristic Australia, a similar oppression by corporate society has suppressed all memory of literature and the natural world.
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AKHMATOVA: Why does it take more and more horror to feel anything, Lilli? One imagines the guards opening the doors of that cattle truck when it reached Siberia and finding their prisoners entombed in a wall of ice, and wonders what they felt? Did they feel anything? I'm not sure I would have–only a sort of bemused wonder. And Meyerhold's wife? They took out her eyes. All I could think was, what did they do with them? Did they leave them in the apartment with the body, or take them away? And if so, what did they do with the eyes? They want us to die while we're still alive.
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