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EAN : 9781526618818
366 pages
Bloomsbury Publishing (01/01/2021)
4.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Nahr sits in an Israeli prison. Many in the world outside call her a terrorist, and just as many call her a revolutionary, a hero. But the truth is more complicated...

She was named for the river her mother crossed when she fled Israel's invasion of Palestine, and grew up into a girl

who carried in her bones the desperation of being a refugee. She was a woman who went to Palestine, and found books, friends, politics - and a purpose.
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Que lire après Against the loveless worldVoir plus

Video de Susan Abulhawa (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Susan Abulhawa
Susan Abulhawa, "Mornings in Jenin" (Les Matins de Jénine) (en anglais)
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Quiz Voir plus

Littérature jeunesse

Comment s'appelle le héros créé par Neil Gailman ?

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Dead Owens
Nobody Owens
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10 questions
1525 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : jeunesse , littérature jeunesse , enfantsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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