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EAN : 9798353247913
472 pages
Independendly Published (19/09/2022)
3.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
When Shay Zucconi’s step-grandmother died, she left Shay a tulip farm—under two conditions.

First, Shay has to move home to the small town of Friendship, Rhode Island. Second—and most problematic since her fiancé just called off the wedding—Shay must be married within one year.

Marriage is the last thing in the world Shay wants but she’ll do anything to save the only real home she’s ever known.

Noah Barden loved Shay Zucc... >Voir plus
Que lire après In a JamVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Bodies are extremely temporary and they’re the least interesting things about us. They carry us around while we’re on this earth and there’s nothing more I can ask from my body than that. I certainly wouldn’t spend any time worrying about the size or shape of anyone else’s body. Not when I could care about their heart and their mind instead.
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Pokémon ! (difficile)

Depuis la 5eme génération comment réagissent les attaques Ténébre sur les pokémons Acier ?

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13 questions
651 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : jeux vidéo , Jeux de rôle (jeux) , dessins animésCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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