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EAN : 9780140621037
368 pages
Penguin (30/11/-1)
3.88/5   4 notes
Résumé :
'Still as the night was, the mysterious population of the distant moonlit woods was not yet lulled to rest'

The aim of a good ghost story is to make the blood freeze, pleasurably, and this M. R. James achieves to perfection in these wonderful stories. His most atmospheric settings include English country houses and gardens, the north end of the churchyard, the yew-maze in 'Mr Humphreys and his Inheritance' and the unforgettable train journey in 'Casti... >Voir plus
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Quiz Voir plus

Fondation d'Isaac Asimov

De combien de parties est composé ce premier livre ?

Trois parties
Quatre parties
Cinq parties
Six parties

10 questions
125 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le Cycle de Fondation, tome 1 : Fondation de Isaac AsimovCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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