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EAN : 978B005C925FW
Egmont Books (UK) (01/11/2009)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Little Foxes is a spellbinding animal story from Britain's best-loved children's author, Michael Morpurgo. Now available as an ebook Bullied at school, nagged in Aunty May's tenth-floor council flat, there's only one place Billy really feels alive - in the wilderness by the canal. There he watches a cygnet on the water and protects a family of fox cubs. Then his secret place is discovered and the fox family decimated. Unwanted and unloved, Billy and the last fox run... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Michael Morpurgo
Découvrez les toutes premières images du Royaume de Kensuké, film d'animation adapté du roman best-seller de Michael Morpurgo, au cinéma le 18 octobre.
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