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EAN : 9783869305752
140 pages
Steidl Verlag (01/03/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
With The Family of Dog, Michael Ruetz has created a unique photographic series over the last 50 years that presents a subtle and enlightening depiction of people and their social behavior. Dogs, after all, are what we want to see in them and what we make of them. In the rarest case, a dog is simply an animal. Michael Ruetz photographed dogs on the street, at homes, on the beach or in front of the TV, which usually makes them fall asleep. He depicts them alone, with ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Michael Ruetz, the family of dogVoir plus

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Orgueil et ..., de Jane Austen ?


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