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EAN : 9780349120843
256 pages
Abacus (02/07/2009)
4.95/5   11 notes
Résumé :
How does one young man survive the deaths of his entire family and manage to make something worthwhile of his life? In Things The Grandchildren Should Know Mark Oliver Everett tells the story of what it's like to grow up the insecure son of a genius in a wacky Virginia Ice Storm-like family. Left to run wild with his sister, his father off in some parallel universe of his own invention, Everett's upbringing was 'ridiculous, sometimes tragic and always unsteady'. But... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
La vie de Mark Oliver Everett est un mélange hallucinant entre un roman d'Ann Radcliffe et un film de David Lynch. En moins fictif. Autour de lui, les gens meurent à un rythme hallucinant - cancer, suicide, crise cardiaque, attentat terroriste, accident - ou flirtent avec la folie. Everett lui-même oscille longtemps entre les deux.
Il faut le lire pour le croire, car on pourrait soupçonner un énorme mensonge, un parcours recréé pour aller de la tragédie au happy end. Mais non: Mark Oliver Everett a eu un parcours chaotique et est parvenu à faire sens de l'absurde. Il réconcilie les contraires jusque dans l'intime: sombre et terriblement drôle, hypersensible et intransigeant, altruiste et égocentrique, rêveur et réaliste, fragile et invincible. Ainsi donc, parce que la musique était devenue sa famille, sa raison de vivre (et ce n'est pas une figure de style), travailler, écrire, composer, arranger et défendre sa vision des choses à la seul-contre-tous n'était même plus un choix. Et c'est par cette obstination qu'il a fait de ses albums et de son groupe - the Eels - une référence absolue.

Cette autobiographie dépasse largement le cadre du fan club: elle est bien écrite, fourmille de références musicales variées et témoigne du monde du disque des années 80 à nos jours. La réflexion d'Everett sur son parcours, l'évolution de ses sentiments envers ses proches et l'expérience de la résilience est également très intéressante et touchante.

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Citations et extraits (10) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
“Sure, I'm a weirdo in some ways. I don't like going to parties and show, I hide in my house a lot. But, all things considered, it could be a lot worse. And I'm able to get myself to this show, at least. I become aware of a feeling that has been slowly creeping in under my skin for a few years, but now has become more tangible. I'd been through a lot - I'm OK. And if I want to be, I'm better than OK. I'm certainly not the most well-adjusted person on earth, but considering everything ... I mean - I survived. And I survived just by being me. How lucky and amazing is that?”
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Historically speaking, if I was in a room and there was someone in that room who could make my life an utter hell on earth, I would find that person, hope they would engage me in conversation, feel like I'd found the lost piece to my puzzle, see pictures in my head of us waking up together, our children, our adjoining burial spots fifty years down the line and I'd truly believe that it was all for the best. For some reasons, God made the women I'm attracted to crazy. But since I don't believe in God, then I guess it's just a fact of life that probably has more than a little to do with my upbringing. People I worked with even used to refer to certain kinds of women as "E girls". That's how bad it was.
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I like your beard? That's what I said to Neil Young. This was oe of my first lessons about meeting my heroes. Avoid it when possible, because I have a social dysfunction when I just get too nervous and say something crazy.
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One thing you'll notice about people with mental problems is the constant self-absorption. I think that's because it's such a struggle just to BE who they are, so they have a hard time getting past it. I am no exception to this rule.
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Bob Dylan said that, when he was young, he had a secret sense of his destiny. I wish I had something like that, but I didn't. At all. All i had was an aching sense of desperation and an acute cluelessness - a nasty combination.
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Videos de Mark Oliver Everett (3) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Mark Oliver Everett
Mark Oliver Everett (aka E) of cult rock band Eels decides to go on a journey to find out more about his father and his research into parallel worlds.
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