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D.C. Detectives tome 0 sur 3
EAN : 9780553801163
293 pages
Bantam (30/11/-1)
2/5   1 notes
Résumé :
For those of you who can't get enough Nora Roberts, Roberts has dusted off this romance thriller from the early '80s, slapped a new cover on it, and republished it. After so many years, Sacred Sins may feel a bit musty, but those readers just looking for a good time won't mind some outdated attitudes or references when the timeless suspense and romance keep them flipping the pages. With the talents that later led her to create her J.D. Robb line of In Death r... >Voir plus
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Nora Roberts

En quelle année est-elle née?

en 1940
en 1960
en 1950
en 1955

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