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Ellen Datlow (Directeur de publication)
Audible Studios (16/02/2015)
3.5/5   3 notes
Résumé :
The credits have rolled, but the lights are still off. Something is lurking on the other side of the screen. There are dark secrets, starving monsters, and haunted survivors who refuse to be left on the cutting room floor. But that's okay, right?
After all, everybody loves the movies....

Here are twenty-three terrifying tales, dark reflections of the silver screen from both sides of the camera. James Dean gets a second chance at life—and death... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
"The Cutting Room: Dark Reflections of the Silver Screen," is a collection of short stories of either the dark fantasy or outright horror variety; all but one, are reprints of stories that were published anywhere between 1982 and 2012.
The credits have rolled, but the lights are still off. Something is lurking on the other side of the screen. There are dark secrets, starving monsters, and haunted survivors who refuse to be left on the cutting room floor. But that's okay, right? After all, everybody loves the movies....
Datlow is one of the best editors, and even though her tastes are darker than mine for the most part, she always provides an interesting line-up of well-written, thought-provoking stories in her anthologies; on that basis, and on the strength of the Newman tale, recommended!
Commenter  J’apprécie          70

Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
I remember I wanted to believe him. I wanted to change things, right enough. I wanted my dad not just to get a good job, but to keep it. I wanted my mom to get on a quiz show and win more than anybody. I thought, sometimes when I wasn’t hating her, that I’d like my sister to be able to see Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show. I mean all of Elvis, not just from the waist up like the camera showed. But I knew from a year of working after school and on weekends for Mr. Carrigan that it isn’t often a person can really change things. And when you can edit something, sometimes the price is way too high.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
I remembered everything in detail, like a picture on the screen. I didn’t know what it all meant, most of it, until long after. But the images were sharp and clear, waiting for my eventual knowledge.
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I heard something that sounded like gunshots, five of them. Somehow I knew they were shots, even though they were muffled, sounding nothing like what I’d heard in westerns and cops-and-robbers movies.
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
Later, I tried to remember back, listening in my memory to tell if his voice had sounded odd. It hadn’t, not as best I could recall. Mr. Carrigan had sounded cheerful, as happy as I’d ever heard him.
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
There was something in there. Something from another world. It was ravenous for human blood, and it had already killed.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40

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Ce film d'horreur et d'épouvante est (aussi) un roman

Jack Torrance, gardien d'un hôtel fermé l'hiver, sa femme et son fils Danny s'apprêtent à vivre de longs mois de solitude. Ce film réalisé en 1980 par Stanley Kubrick avec Jack NIcholson et Shelley Duvall est adapté d'un roman de Stephen King publié en 1977

Le silence des agneaux
La nuit du chasseur
Les diaboliques
Rosemary's Baby
The thing
La mouche
Les Yeux sans visage

10 questions
972 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : cinema , horreur , epouvanteCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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